One-on-One Aetna and TIAA-CREF Meetings


Contributed by Caroline Stull

The office of Human Resources strives to provide as much accessibility to your benefits' vendors as possible.  To accomplish this, representatives from Aetna and TIAA-CREF are available throughout the year to meet with faculty and staff.  Below is information regarding sessions with both representatives and how to schedule a meeting.

Aetna:  Ithaca College's Aetna representative, Denise Dolinsky, comes to campus to meet with employees throughout each month regarding insurance through Aetna.  Whether you have questions on how to use the Aetna medical insurance or are questioning how something was billed, Denise is here to help!

Meetings with Denise are held in Human Resources between 11:00am – 1:00pm the following Tuesdays in September:

To schedule a meeting with Denise, call Human Resources at 274-8000 for available times.

TIAA-CREF:  Ithaca College's TIAA-CREF representative, Alicia Skaly, comes to campus twice a month to help employees evaluate their current retirement goals and savings plans.  Alicia's on-campus meetings are held in Human Resources from 9:00am - 5:00pm.  The next days she will be on-campus are:

To schedule a meeting with Alicia, please call TIAA-CREF directly at (800)732-8353.


These meetings with Aetna and TIAA-CREF are confidential and free of charge.  Any future session dates for either Aetna or TIAA-CREF will be posted on Intercom as soon as information is available.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Department of Human Resources at x4-8000. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.