My Sweet Heart Package


Contributed by Julie Whitten

Attention students, faculty, and staff: the Sweetheart Package is now available through the Gifts from Home program.


My Sweet Heart Package

Attention students, faculty, and staff: the Sweetheart Package is now available through the Gifts from Home program.

My Sweet Heart Package (February) – $34.00
1 Dozen black forest brownies

1 Dozen chocolate covered strawberries

1 Bag of sweethearts (conversation candy hearts)

1 Bottle sparkling cider


How to Order

Orders must be placed three business days in advance to ensure prompt delivery.
All items include a personalized card. Acceptable forms of payment include MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Checks, Bonus Bucks, and ID Express. On campus deliveries are made daily between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm. Check out additional Gifts from Home Specials online at


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