51 Organizations will be at Monday's Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair!


Contributed by Kristin LiBritz

TV & radio stations, nonprofit agencies, financial services firms, federal agencies and more will be recruiting at the Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair on Monday. This is your chance to find a variety of opportunities with local, regional and national organizations.

The participating companies will be seeking part-time and full-time employees as well as interns and volunteers. You may also talk with recruiters to network and explore career options. To find out which companies are attending, please login to your eRecruiting account.

Students from all majors and class years are encouraged to attend Monday's fair, which takes place from 5:00pm - 8:00pm in the Emerson Suites.

Wearing professional attire and bringing copies of your resume is suggested in order to make a good first impression with recruiters. 

For more information on the Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair, please contact Career Services (101 Muller Center).

Individuals with disabilities requiring accomodations should contact Career Services at 274-3365 or careers@ithaca.edu to request accommodation.




