Advice from Interns


Contributed by Lynn Hyde

Monday, Sept 13  •   7 pm in Friends 103

Six writing students who interned in New York City, Washington DC, Baltimore, and Ithaca this past summer will talk about their experiences  --  how they got their internships, what work they did, what they learned about the field, etc.

Interns worked at magazines and journals –– National Geographic Magazine, Urbanite magazine, Academe  (journal of the American Association of University Professors)
and publishing houses –– Simon & Schuster (large, for-profit); Essay Press (small, nonprofit)
and in development/fundraising –– Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company

Come with questions!

Part of the Careers for Writers Series sponsored by the Department of Writing

P.S. Before our session, do stop by the Job, Internship, and Volunteer Fair in Emerson Suites, 5-8 p.m., sponsored by Career Services. For more info: