We are currently looking for a production staff and players for Taming of the Shrew!
Here's all the information:
Production Staff Interviews:
~ Positions available: Assistant Director, Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager, Props Master, Costume Designer, Technical Director, & a Dramaturge
~ They will take place on September 16th & 17th @ 7-10pm in Williams 222
~ Please bring a resume with previous theatre experience
~ You can sign up for interview slots here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AgbvcKUKxXpOdFl2VUlZQUU0cUhwNFFSanZCcjcyZEE&hl=en&authkey=CPjQrvkP#gid=0
~ They will take place on September 20th (Williams 222) & 21st (Williams
221) @ 7-10pm
~ Prepare a 1-minute comedic monologue (not Taming of the Shrew please)
~ Please bring a resume with previous theatre experience
~ You can sign up for audition slots here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AgbvcKUKxXpOdDNweDhndXhfdy0wUjB0ZWpmVEdHVGc&hl=en&authkey=CITN9IkN#gid=0
The show dates are December 3rd, 4th, & possibly the 5th.
All the world's a stage, so come on out and be the players on it! We'd love to have you :)
* Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact [insert your office/division name here] at [insert contact information here]. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.