NBC's "America's Got Talent" Auditions this Sunday in Ithaca


Contributed by Christy Agnese

NBC's "AMERICA'S GOT TALENT" will be in Ithaca, NY on Sunday, the 3rd of October between 9am and 6pm to hold an invitation only, non-televised showcase for performing artists who would like a chance at trying out for the 6th season of the show (2011).

This allows the show to make sure they tap into more of the country's talent pool since they usually only hit a limited amount of locations in our televised, nation-wide casting tour.

All types of performing artists are invited to audition including, but not limited to, singers, musicians, bands, marching bands, dance troupes/soloists, aerialists, pyro, jugglers, acro, and magicians.

This is NOT a cattle call. The Community Arts Partnership will send location information once performers are booked with specific times.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Brett Bossard, Executive Director of the Community Arts Partnership, by email at director@artspartner.org with information about your act.

