Unite to Fight Childhood Cancer. Up 'til Dawn Presents: "Nothing is Sweeter than a Cure"
Event Details
Date: Sunday, October 10th
Time: 4:30-9:30pm
Location: Emerson Suites
On Sunday, October 10th, Up 'til Dawn is holding its biggest event of the semester...Nothing is Sweeter than a Cure! All proceeds are given directly to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, helping in the fight against childhood cancer. Enjoy free desserts (including an ice cream bar!), entertainment (including Ithacappella!), and give-away prizes. All you have to do is bring the addresses of family and friends, and we will be send out pre-written letters to them asking to donate to the cancer hospital. We are asking that you bring only legitimate addresses, because each returned letter costs the hospital money. If you are able to bring 50 addresses, you will be entered to win a GREAT prize (last year we gave away a Nintendo Wii!). If you have any questions please contact Tim Reynolds at ithaca.uptildawn@gmail.com. Thank you for your help, and I hope to see you on 10/10/10!
Visit the facebook event for "Nothing is Sweeter than a Cure:" http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=150281008340777&ref=ts