THIS OFFER EXPIRES FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 at NOON. The first 100 Ithaca College students to sign up to attend will receive free registration to the "Awakening the Dreamer" symposium, part of the second annual Finger Lakes Bioneers conference, held this year from October 22-24. The "Awakening the Dreamer" symposium will be held on Sunday, October 24th, from 1:30 - 6:00PM in the Emerson Suites in the Campus Center here on campus.
Here is more information about this "Awakening the Dreamer" event: Immerse yourself in the celebrated Awakening the Dreamer symposium – an inspiring experience created by the Pachamama Alliance to help North Americans awaken to the reality of our shared stewardship of a jewel of a planet, and a future where our intelligence and love of life can be expressed through creative re-design of our economy, our way of life, and our relationships. Using vivid multimedia material and interactive episodes, we’ll explore a series of questions: Where are we? How did we get here? What’s possible for the future? Where do we go from here? The aim of the symposium is to identify the assumptions underlying the way we see the world and our place in it, and to empower every human being to take steps – both individually and cooperatively – to move the world in a new direction.
Click here to take advantage of this special free registration offer
Note, you MUST use your Ithaca College email address, even if it's not the email you normally use.
(Also note: if you are in Professor Jacobson's "Life in the Oceans" class - which is required to attend this event - your "Awakening the Dreamer" symposium event registration is being handled separately. Please do NOT register for the symposium using this online registration survey tool).
This free registration offer is only valid until noon on Friday, September 22nd.
This special opportunity has been extended to Ithaca College students by the "Commit to Change" program which was created through a generous grant from the HSBC in the Community Foundation.
Click here for more information about Finger Lakes Bioneers
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nancy Jacobson at . We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.