Add your name to the Out and Allied Ad in the Ithacan!


Contributed by Luca Maurer

submitted on behalf of Cat Kirchhoff:

Throughout the country during the last two weeks, there have been six widely publicized LGBT student suicides. Show your support for the LGBT community and submit your name as an ally to be displayed in a special ad that will run in the Ithacan later in October. If you yourself are an LGBT person you can submit your name, too. Help IC come together and unite in light of the recent tragic events.

Last year Ithaca College ran its first “Out and Allied ad.” There were almost 300 names, and included alumni, faculty, staff and students.  View the 2009 ad here.

What is an out and ally ad?
It’s an ad that is filled with names of those who identify as ‘out’ or as allies to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community.  It's a symbol of support for LGBT people on our campus and in our community.

How does it work?
Email with your name (and graduation year if you’re alumni) You can also chose to specify whether you’d like to be identified as an ally or as LGBTQ-HOWEVER YOU DO NOT NEED TO!

Again it would be appreciated if you could pass the word on to those in your department, alumni friends, lunch friends, other students and anyone else involved in the IC community.

The deadline to respond is Monday, October 11.

If you have any questions regarding the ad feel free to email me at or, program director of the LGBT Center on campus.