Cosmo Houck wins Outstanding Delegate award at Yale event


Contributed by Juan Arroyo

Cosmo Houck (Politics, 2011) received an Outstanding Delegate award this past weekend at the 33rd annual Security Council Simulation at Yale University.


Twelve members of the Ithaca College Model United Nations team participated in the SCSY, a first for the group. The event simulates debate in cabinet-sized groups (10-25 people) such as the modern UN Security Council.

The conference organizers also created a historical SC simulation (Suez Crisis of 1956), and even small-group meetings derived from non-UN history or literary classics. Examples include: Ad-Hoc Committee on the Financial Crisis, Students for a Democratic Society (1962), and The Wars of the Roses, among others.

Cosmo’s committee was called “Paradise Lost,” based on John Milton’s work of 1667. He played the role of Mammon, one of the fallen angels, in a debate over how to respond to their expulsion from Heaven.

Having read the book in high school, Cosmo prepared for the conference by analyzing Mammon's goals and resources, the goals and resources of his opponents, and those of his potential allies.

Congratulations Cosmo (alias: "Mammon")