The NCUR Executive Committee is pleased to be working with a number of Ithaca College students in the planning process for NCUR 2011. Students are actively involved in planning all aspects of the conference, scheduled for March 31 through April 2, 2011 on campus.
The students who are providing critical assistance in the planning for NCUR 2011 include:
Briana Duquette, CMD, 2012 (Executive Committee member) – Excursions, social media, conference materials, give-away items and entertainment.
Mamuyan Jones, CMD, 2012 - Campus maps, directions and signs.
Elizabeth Kranz, Communications (MS), 2011 – Volunteer recruitment and coordination.
Patricia Langenau, CMD, 2011 – Conference hospitality and check-in.
Ian Mahoney, History, 2011 - Audio-Visual planning, design and support.
Heather Mueller, CMD, 2011 – Host event, receptions and food service.
Bailey Regan, CMD, 2012 (Executive Committee member) – Excursions, social media, conference materials, give-away items and entertainment.
These students (along with 2010 Ithaca College graduate, Lindsay Hotaling, the conference registrar) are writing about their experience planning the conference on the NCUR event planning blog.
Please follow along with these students as they (and we) continue to plan for the National Conference on Undergraduate Research at Ithaca College.