TODAY: Lecture by English department faculty member on fashion and 20th-century literature


Contributed by Claire Gleitman

On Thursday, November 4th, Elizabeth Sheehan -- assistant professor in the department of English -- will give a talk entitled, "'the connection between dress and war is not far to seek': Virginia Woolf and the Politics of Fashion." The talk will explore Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury group's engagement with dress and fashion as a means of political and social expression during the period extending from the start of the first World War until the eve of World War II. 

This talk will provide students with a preliminary sense of the issues that Professor Sheehan will raise in her spring course, "Special Topics: Fashion and Fiction in 20th Century Literature." It will also provide all members of the community with an introduction to the scholarly interests of a brand new faculty member in the department of English.

The event will take place in Business 103, from 5:30-6:30, on November 4th.  It is sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta (the English honor society) and the department of English. Refreshments will be provided.  Anyone with an interest in the subject matter is welcome to attend.