Will you be a Senior for Fall 2011?  Senior Intention forms are due no later than January 28, 2011!


Contributed by Linda Koenig

If you will be a rising senior for fall 2011 semester, and have lived on campus for 5 semesters or more by the end of fall 2010 it is important to read this information.

Any student who has completed 5 or more semesters by the end of the fall 2010 semester needs to complete a Senior Housing Intention Form in order to be eligible to select housing for the 2011-2012 academic year. Senior Intention Forms will be available in the Office of Residential Life on November 30, 2010. 

Please remember that the Residency policy indicates that once a senior who submits a senior intention form secures fall housing, they are committed to on-campus housing for their senior year.  

A senior, who has selected housing and decides they want to move off-campus, will need to apply for off-campus status through the regular off-campus application process. All applications, including those from seniors, will be prioritized by date and time order. There are no exceptions to this policy. Please read the entire policy statement at https://www.ithaca.edu/reslife/rl_guide/residencypolicy.htm

It is extremely important that a Senior Intention form be returned to the Office of Residential Life if you plan to live on-campus.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Residential Life at 274-3141 or via email at housing@ithaca.edu.



