More than 10% of Americans over age 20 and 23% of Americans over age 60 have diabetes.
Because diabetes is a leading contributor to heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and blindness, it's important to learn strategies to prevent diabetes and to take care of yourself if you already have it.
Come to the Lunch and Learn to learn more about diabetes, pre-diabetes, and lifestyle strategies to improve your health!
Where: Peggy Ryan Williams Building, room number GL52
When: Friday, November 19th from Noon - 1PM
Bring your lunch and bring a friend! Light refreshments and snacks provided.
RSVPs appreciated to or x4-8000,
Individuals with diabilities requiring accomodations should contact Human Resources by e-mail at or by telephone at x4-8000. We ask that requests for accomodations be made as soon as possible.
Work/Life: We believe in the integration of work and life outside of work.