End-users will now submit journal entry requests through new and updated online forms from the Financial Services website.
The online request forms will not only assist end-users with journal entry requests, including chargebacks and requests involving 02 fund accounts, but also streamline the transaction process. Users will now be able to complete and submit an online request for the following by going to the Financial Services website and choosing Forms on the left:
Journal Entry Request Form – enter and submit information to move “Actuals” within 01 fund accounts. Jean Cupernall in Financial Services will receive and complete these transactions.
Transaction Request Form for 02 Fund Accounts – enter and submit information to move funds involving one or more 02 fund accounts. Lynn Eastman in Financial Services will receive and complete these transactions. End-users will find this as a link on the Journal Entry Request Form.
Chargeback Entry Request Form – enter and submit information involving 01 and 02 fund account transactions for goods or services from one department to another (i.e., copiers, RHA planners, etc.). The department providing the goods or services completes the request form. Jean Cupernall in Financial Services will receive and complete these transactions.
Individuals who are interested in understanding or learning more about journal entry and chargeback requests as well as budget transfers and moving funds can contact Jo Anne Rosato at 274-3044. Sessions can be scheduled individually or as a group. Updated User Guides can also be found on the Financial Service website.