Athletic Training Major Wins Yet Another Prestigious Scholarship


Contributed by Jackie Wandell

Senior Jackie Harpham, Class of 2011 just received word that she is the recipient of a 2010 Eastern Athletic Trainers' Association District II Undergraduate Scholarship!

The Scholarship Award of $2,500, along with a plaque will be presented to Jackie at the Annual EATA Awards Banquet, which will be held Saturday, January 8, 2011 in conjunction with the EATA's Annual Meeting at the Philadelphia Loews Hotel. Jackie has now completed a rare, and perhaps unprecedented sweep of state, regional and national professional scholarships, as this marks her 3rd athletic training scholarship in 2010. Earlier this year, Jackie was the recipient of scholarships from the National Athletic Trainers' Association and the New York State Athletic Trainers' Association. Congratulations Jackie for all of your hard work and due recognition!