Student Employee of the Year Nominations


Contributed by Beth Blinn

1st Annual Ithaca College Student Employee of the Year Award!!


Student Employees perform an invaluable service with enthusiasm, dedication and initiative. Along with our annual celebration of appreciation, that takes place in April, we will be honoring one Student Employee with an Ithaca College Student Employee of the Year Award.  Each Department will be allowed one student nomination. The Student Employment Office will begin accepting nominations immediately and continue to do so until February 15, 2011. All nominations must be completed online and contain the required documentation, noted below to be considered complete and eligible for the committee to review. Ithaca College employ’s approximately 3,000 student employees each academic year and we know that selecting just one student nominee per department is a hard task. We highly suggest departmental committees for the nomination selection review.

 The online application form can be found at  will be available until February 15, 2011. Nominations past this date will not be accepted; no exceptions.


Nomination Letter:

A Nomination Letter describing the nominee’s accomplishments that qualify him or her to be considered for this award. Where possible, cite the reason(s) for the nomination. To give your nominee the best chance to win this award, make your nomination letter as comprehensive as possible listing specific examples of ‘how’ or ‘why’ they are outstanding—not just that they are outstanding. Please keep the following qualities in mind when writing your letter: reliability, quality of work, initiative, professionalism, and uniqueness of contribution. 

Student’s Statement:

The Student’s Statement should be a written letter from the student explaining why s/he feels they too should be considered for this award.

Student’s Resume:

The student’s resume should contain work experience, awards and any achievements.

Other Eligibility Requirements:

Eligible students include degree-seeking part-time/full-time students enrolled at Ithaca College who are employed by Ithaca College in student-level positions on or off campus.  Nominees may be undergraduate students or graduate students who are performing student employee jobs. Graduate Teaching or Research Assistants are not eligible (exempt and/or non-exempt). Resident Assistants are not eligible for this nomination.

The nominated student MUST have been employed for your Department for a Minimum of 6 months (part time) within this calendar year January 2010 – December 2010.

The award winner and runner up will be announced the first part of April. The winner will receive an invitation to a celebration held on campus with their supervisor(s), department leads, and others to recognize them for their exemplary work and contribution, along with a gift of recognition.

Again, the online application form can be found at

Please direct any questions to Beth Blinn at 274-8000 or email at
Feel free to share this with others  within the department.

Happy nominating,
Beth Blinn