Special topic presentation by Ithaca College's media literacy initiative, Project Look Sharp.
While scientists have been moving towards consensus on the realities of climate change, pubic opinion has been moving in the opposite direction. Why? What role do the popular media play in influencing public understanding about global warming? And what can (or should) we do about it? Chris Sperry and Dan Flerlage, authors of Project Look Sharp’s Global Warming curriculum kit, will address these questions through a thought-provoking and interactive presentation for students, educators, activists and scientists.
WHEN: Wednesday, February 16th, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
WHERE: Ithaca College, 103 Textor Hall.
Project Look Sharp is Ithaca College’s nationally acclaimed initiative to integrate critical thinking and media literacy into the K-12 and college curriculum. Chris Sperry is an award winning teacher and author of media literacy materials. He is the Director of Curriculum and Staff Development for Project Look Sharp. Dan Flerlage has taught science at the Lehman Alternative Community School in Ithaca for 30 years and is a local activist on issues of sustainability education.
Website: http://www.projectlooksharp.org
Contact 607-274-3471 for additional information.