PDP introduces "IC Progress" Newsletter to IC Campus


Contributed by Edward Wycliff

 IC Progress is a newsletter focusing on political issues across the nation and world. It is a completely student driven independent media source that offers new opportunities for students who want to write and explore the issues that shape our communities.

On February 9th, the Progressive Discourse Project unveiled their very own newlsetter entitled "IC Progress". In the first issue the PDP explores what progress truly is and how rhetoric affects the information we consume. There are all kinds of stories from a breakdown and review of the President Obama's State of the Union Address to the Audacity of Hope, a boat traveling from the US to Gaza in an international effort to end the blockade on Gaza.

The PDP would like to extend an invitation to all students of all majors and political preferences to share their stories and thoughts through IC Progress with the wider IC community. Each month IC Progress will have a new focus, and for the month of March the focus will be on global militarization. This is in conjunction with Buzzsaw Magazine's week long exploration of militarization.

Enjoy some new and fresh opinions on all kinds of issues, opinions from students with passion. And keep your eyes open for our original political cartoons, coming in March!

If you are interested in writing for IC Progress or contributing in any other way you can think of, contact us at icpdproject@gmail.com and look up IC Progressive Discourse Project on Facebook. There are plenty of opportunities for inspired people, and more to come!


