Hello all! We hope you had a great week, because we certainly did SGA-wise! We've been fiercely tweeting tons of things all week long so if you're not following icsga on Twitter, I suppose it's time you start!
In our meeting this week Eve Trojanov was named our senator of the week for all the awesome things she's been doing and to kick start off her involvement in the disabilities awareness committee! Congrats Eve! We had Doreen Hettich-Atkins, Coordinator for Special Services and Programs, in to speak to us about her position and how she can help students out on campus with the Tri Fund, Family Weekend, Second and first year surveys and tons of other things she is involved in. We had a budget appeal from the African Latino Society to help fund their event later in the month when they are bringing a very important speaker to campus on February 25th in the emerson suites and they were funded in full for their original request by our assembly. Leana Testani was voted in as our last Junior senator with one senior senator spot still open, if you're interested please email sga@ithaca.edu to learn more! Lastly in open agenda we discussed the petition L.I.P.S. discussed with us last week and whether or not we would sign, the assembly decided to table the discussion until next week when we would return with more information about the situation. Lastly look out for tabling next week by Samantha Lowe (H and S School Senator) and Shelby Smith (DIIS School Senator) as they are avidly putting themselves out there for your feedback. As always, hope you enjoyed our little update and please check out our website (www.ithaca.edu/sga) or our facebook, or twitter, or IC Link for more info about us! You stay classy IC.