As the rigors of academic life get more and more intense, consider taking time each day to practice mindfulness. Neuroscientists have found compelling evidence that spending ten minutes to sit quietly and clear your head can lift mood, improve focus, and lessen stress. New York Times writer Sindya N. Bhanoo cites a study which found that people who practice regular meditation had increased grey matter in the brain's hippocampus - an area associated with "memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress."
Use these simple steps to begin a lifestyle change towards regular meditation: sit or lay somewhere where you will not be bothered, close your eyes and focus on your breathing or other sensory information.
Visit the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) website for information on mediation groups and meditation practice audio tracks (MP3 files).
Visit the Center for Health Promotion website for more information on stress management and related Wellness Wednesday programs.
The Student Wellness Tip of the Week is brought to you by the Office of Counseling and Wellness.
Contributed by Kate Leuger,’12.