Legal Brief Brown Bag Series - Enterprise Risk Management - Thursday, March 3rd


Contributed by Christopher Crawford

When: Thursday, March 3, 12pm-1pm

Where: Ithaca Falls Meeting Room

What: Come learn more about the institution-wide Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Initiative. Nancy Pringle, Vice-President and General Counsel will be leading a lunch-time presentation/discussion on how enterprise risk management is being used at Ithaca College and how the entire campus community can play a role in the process. This session will be a general information session designed to explain the components of enterprise risk management and how it is being used at Ithaca College as well as give participants the opportunity to explore how ERM can be utilized in particular work environments.  Open to all faculty, staff and students with an interest in learning more about enterprise risk management.  Beverages and dessert will be provided.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Legal Affairs at 4-3836. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.