National LGBT Health Awareness Week: March 28-April 1


Contributed by Luca Maurer

National LGBT Health Awareness Week is March 28-April 1; the theme of this year's observance is "Come Out for Health."

This year's theme is a call to action for community members, advocates, service providers, and governmental officials to recognize health and wellness as an essential part of the social justice movement for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals. The goals for this year’s campaign are to:
• Encourage LGBT people to speak to their health care provider about their sexual orientation and gender identity
• Encourage medical, mental health, and other social service providers to create supportive environments for LGBT individuals receiving care or treatment
• Encourage federal and state officials, health-related professional organizations, faith-based institutions, and advocacy organizations to issue position statements supporting the inclusion of LGBT communities in health care delivery and health and wellness activities
• Encourage advocates and community members to tell their stories to policy makers about the importance of health and health care access for the LGBT community.

A project of the National Coalition for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health, the major objective of the awareness week is to encourage members of LGBT communities to be aware of their own health and take concrete steps -- such as getting regular physical exams -- to become and stay healthy.

The observance also seeks to raise public awareness of the unique health concerns, as well as the very real health disparities, among LGBT communities. It also serves to educate medical and health care professionals in the area of cultural competency with regard to LGBT health.

In our local area, Out for Health is the premier source of information on the theme of LGBT people and health, and provides outreach, education and information to LGBT people, their health care providers and the community at large about the importance of inclusive, welcoming and respectful care for LGBT people.