Be a part of history.


Contributed by Margaret Keating

If you care about climate change, social justice, building the clean energy economy, public health, and shifting the power back to the people from the big corporations... then you definitely want to come to Power Shift.

Sick of hearing about all the havoc wreaked on the environment by huge multinational corporations, Big Oil, and Big Coal? Then do something about it and make your voice heard!

Join over 10,000 of your motivated peers from all over the country in what will be the largest youth environmental conference in history, April 15-18, in Washington, DC. The conference will feature rallies, lobbying, workshops, networking, concerts, keynote speakers, and more.

Registration is happening now! But don't just believe everything we say... find out whether you want to be part of this amazing opportunity for yourself: watch this and visit to get an idea of what the conference is like!


If you're interested in going to Power Shift, GREAT! Contact the IC Environmental Society (ICES) at with any questions about funding assistance, accommodations, and travel arrangements.