The Park School of Communications is once again offering a special undergraduate mini-course titled, Media for Social Responsibility. The course is open to all majors. This year’s focus in on Global Health and Wellness and includes a kickoff talk by Dr. Nancy Snyderman.
Media for Social Responsibility: Global Health and Wellness
GCOM 20000 – 01
1 credit
April 7-9, 2011
Please note: If you last year’s course focusing on the environment, you can take still take this course for credit.
Class Times:
Thursday, April 7 from 7-10pm
Dr. Nancy Snyderman and Course Intro
Friday, April 8 from 4-7pm
Case studies from media and health communication experts
Saturday, April 9 from 10am-5:30pm
Group work led by alumni media experts followed by a "pitch" competition