Thanks to the hundreds of you who have already volunteered to be moderators for NCUR!
We still have about 80 sessions that need moderators and we need you to help us fill those slots. If you have not yet volunteered, now is the time to come forward. If you are already moderating and are willing to do more, send me an email at
You do not need to be an expert in a subject area in order to moderate that area.
To see the list of open sessions, go here:
When you find sessions you want to moderate, send me an email at
You will receive a prompt reply with detailed information about moderating sessions at NCUR.
Thanks for your willingness to help out at this exciting event.
Each oral session consists of four 20-minute talks, with 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions. Your role is to
An Ithaca College student volunteer will be present to help keep time.