Student Wellness Tip of the Week! Eat Healthy, Eat Local


Contributed by Nancy Reynolds

With spring around the corner, eating healthy, seasonal produce will get easier and easier. Many know the benefits of eating fruits and, especially, vegetables -- reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers such as stomach cancer, vibrant skin, and (as beach-season is almost here), weight management. Try to incorporate fruits or vegetables at just about every meal. Choosing locally grown, seasonal foods can help you even more in your quest towards health and wellness. Why?

Local produce is fresher—with better taste and nutritional value that has not declined due to transit time.

Eating locally means more financial support to local farmers and businesses.

Eating local produce will add variety and introduce you to new fruits & vegetables—allowing you to be creative with your meals.

Local, organic produce is safer—you know where your food is coming from so you know more about it, and there is less time or opportunity for your food to fall victim to contamination (e.coli contamination? No thanks!)

On campus, The Fresh Foods Market in Towers Dining Hall carries local/organic foods. And the Ithaca Farmers Market reopens this weekend (April 2nd) at Steamboat Landing, downtown. For more information and directions to the Farmers Market, visit: The Ithaca Market.

Check out the Center for Health Promotion’s Healthy Eating website to learn more about steps you can take to eat well.

Contributed by: Kate Leugers '12