President Rochon Seeks Nominees to Advisory Council on Diversity


Contributed by Office of the President

President Tom Rochon seeks nominations of self or others to serve on the President’s Advisory Committee for Diversity (PAC-D). This 16 person committee, composed of faculty and staff, will have four vacancies as a result of terms ending May 31, 2011 and departure of two staff members from the College.

Under the chairmanship of Dr. Roger Richardson, the PAC-D is charged with monitoring and ensuring that Ithaca College continues to make progress toward achieving its diversity goals. With the adoption of a new strategic plan for diversity effective in the fall 2011, the work of the PAC-D becomes more important than ever. In addition, the PAC-D serves as a resource to campus committees and offices advising on how to ensure comprehensive and coordinated delivery of diversity programming, educational experiences and services. The PAC-D also advises the president and the vice presidents on means of achieving the diversity goals that these officers adopt on an annual basis.

The committee advises and reports directly to the president. As such, the PAC-D is expected to investigate best practices and to make recommendations that enable the college to fulfill its mission of being an excellent and diverse educational community. Consequently, the PAC-D seeks individuals whose vision, creativity, and enthusiasm for the future of Ithaca College will enable them to contribute to fresh thinking on how we can achieve that mission. We seek individuals who can be effective and respectful members of a team of advisers to the president.

Nominations of self or of others are welcomed. There is no specific form for nomination and a submission need not be lengthy. However, whether you are nominating yourself or someone else, it would be helpful to offer the clearest possible indication of why you think your nominee embodies the traits described above. The deadline for nominations of self or others is Friday, April 15. Please send nominations to, with “Nomination for PAC-D” in the subject line.