Study Ithaca's "gorges" landscape this summer....and get FREE summer housing!


Contributed by Jennifer Wofford

Introduction to Painting: Focus on the Landscape

ART 14000, 3 credits
Instructor: Linda Price
Summer I (May 31 - July 1, 2011)

Drawing through the Landscape
ART 13000, 3 credits
Instructor: Jeremy Long
Summer II (July 5 - August 5, 2011)

Register for BOTH of these summer landscape courses (or either or these courses plus ART 17000 Fractured Fairytale in the May Session) and get free on campus housing for the entire duration of both courses. (10-meal plan included!) Email for more information.

For more information on summer sessions, or to see the complete undergraduate course listing, visit

Register now via Homer Connect.

Ithaca in Summer. It's just what you do.