Transforming the World Through Self Knowledge


Contributed by Dani Novak

Yaani Drucker is a spiritual teacher who has written a book, Not Guilty - Undoing the Illusion of Separate Existence, and put together an online course to facilitate enlightenment. Her materials are freely available for download at, 

 In her own inner journey of spiritual discovery, she traveled to India dozens of times since 1982 to be with her teacher, Sai Baba. In Feb, 2001 she experienced enlightenment, later confirmed in the Himalayas in August of 2002. Subsequently she was led to synthesize the cream of Baba’s teachings with the Course in Miracles and the esoteric teachings of the Bible. Her message is simple and direct. Universal Love, the One Divine Truth that is the basis of Self-Knowledge, is imperceptibly hidden inside the covering of ego, manifesting itself as fear and guilt. Expose the ego, and its power will be defanged and dissipated. Then the Truth, which was always there, will be self-revealed.


In the past several years the world has undergone historic political upheavals, economic turmoil, earthquakes, floods, droughts, tsunamis, radiation, joblessness, and ethnic tensions. The gap between rich and poor has never been so disparate. Fear and anxiety are at unprecedented levels. How do you surf and stay right side up when you have to deal with monster waves like that? Yaani’s workshop, Saturday, June 11, will address the shift in consciousness required to discover the deepest truth of yourself, and wake up to who you truly are, thereby rendering the greatest possible service to the planet, and to yourself.


Workshop:  Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm


For more information & registration please contact

Dani Novak (607)257-2749

Or fill the form:

It is also possible to get this workshop in conjunction with an on-line 1 credit course through the summer session office.

10232 PALS 19900 Sltp: Finding Your True Self, section 01.