Send Silence Packing Comes to Ithaca College!


Contributed by Shaina Kaye

Send Silence Packing is an aggressive campaign by Active Minds Inc. to promote a dialogue about mental health issues on campus and combat the incidence of student suicide. This Friday, April 15th, Active Minds at Ithaca College will be hosting Send Silence Packing on the Academic Quad, from 9 am - 5 pm. Rain location - Emerson Suites.

Suicide claims the lives of more than 1,100 college students each year, and each one of those deaths touches us all. Send Silence Packing is an aggressive campaign by Active Minds Inc. to promote a dialogue about mental health issues on campus and combat the incidence of student suicide. Active Minds hopes that by empowering students and the student voice in mental health awareness, we will see the day when mental health issues are widely discussed, and the number of tragic deaths due to suicide is reduced to 0.

Send Silence Packing is an exhibit of 1,100 backpacks representing the number of college student lives lost to suicide each year. Active Minds Inc. has collected and continues to collect backpacks and personal stories in memory or in honor of loved ones impacted by suicide. By displaying backpacks with personal stories of loved ones that put a ‘face' to lives lost to suicide, Send Silence Packing carries the message that preventing suicide is not just about lowering statistics, but also about saving the lives of students, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters and friends across the nation. Contributions serve as a meaningful outlet for survivors' grief as well as a powerful way to raise awareness and work towards suicide prevention.

Please stop by the Academic Quad this Friday, from 9 am - 5 pm and be a part of the conversation! For more information, please contact Active Minds at Ithaca College at




Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Active Minds at Ithaca College at  We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.