The ICPT Grad Students are putting on a Rub-a-Thon fundraiser this Thursday and Friday!! Don't miss the chance to get the best back rub, neck rub, arms/hands/legs/feet rub that 5$ can get you.
The ICPT Grad Students are tabling in the North Foyer Wednesday, April 27th, from 9:30 to 2:00 and in the Whalen Diva Lounge Tuesday the 26th from 12-1 and Wednesday the 27th from 9:30 -2:00!!!
Don't miss out on this great chance to get all the built-up tension out of your muscles.
The cost is 5$ for 15 minutes. And many people have left saying it was the "best 5$ I've ever spent!"
Sign up to secure your spot but walk-ins are more than welcome. The fundraiser will be held in CHS 211, Thursday April 28th from 5-8 PM, and Friday April 29th from 11-4pm.
Individuals requiring accommodations should contact ICPT Club at with requests. We ask that requests be made as soon as possible.
See you soon
~ICPT Club