Board of Trustees Approves IC 20/20 Vision and Plan


Contributed by Office of the President

I am pleased to report that at its May meeting, the Board of Trustees stated in a formal motion that it “enthusiastically supports the vision and conceptual plan of IC 20/20—Focusing Our Vision on Student Learning.” The Board further expressed “profound gratitude to the faculty, staff, and administrators who, under the President’s leadership, have created … an ambitious and visionary plan that has the potential to provide a distinctive and integrative educational experience for future generations of Ithaca College students.”

This resolution followed two days of board and committee meetings in which the IC 20/20 vision, the plan for turning that vision into reality, and the associated financing of the plan were subject to careful scrutiny. As with any strategic planning process, choices among possible initiatives had to be made in order to properly support those efforts most vital to creating the rich educational environment we want for our students. The trustees reviewed a report with three broad themes that included proposals and initiatives developed by the IC 20/20 task forces: 

1. Leveraging our strengths through integrative learning

2. Fulfilling our mission through institutional excellence and academic achievement

3. Expanding our vision through enhanced national and global education

Our trustees understand that the plan is a living document that will evolve as we accumulate experience and additional insight in the years ahead. Over the course of the summer, the IC leadership team will develop a timeline for achieving the IC 20/20 initiatives, with special attention given to those that require us to begin immediately. We will draw upon the detailed work done this past year in the task forces and will, of course, bring all proposals for action to their relevant committees or other review processes for approval. We expect by the All College Meeting in August to be able to identify those elements of the plan that are ready for early action.

I would like to join the Board of Trustees in thanking all those who worked this year to help us develop a plan that is fully in accord with our long-standing mission as a comprehensive college. One never undertakes a journey without first visualizing the destination. We now have an official vision of Ithaca College’s destination as the standard of excellence for a comprehensive college.