Didn't have a chance to buy your IC Hope raffle tickets yet? Feeling left out as you listen to your friends who DID buy tickets describe our beautiful offerings? Weep no more...IC Hope will be selling raffle tickets again on Friday, 6/10, Wednesday, 6/15 and Thursday, 6/16 from 11-1 in the Campus Center Lobby. Still on the fence? Take a look at this beautiful handmade quilt and pillow we are raffling off...handmade by 10 members of our community! There are 9 more raffle items to tempt you with!
Please see our 6/7/11 Intercom announcement for a full listing of our raffle items. All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society.
Individuals needing special accommodations should contact Anne Woodard (awoodard@ithaca.edu), Stan Seltzer (seltzer@ithaca.edu) or Lynda Swafford (lswafford@ithaca.edu) for special accommodations.