The NYISO has announced that with the expected high temperatures this week that power curtailments may be likely.
Ithaca College is given a 24 hour advance notice, then a 1 hour notice to curtail for a specific time. We are currently under a 24 hour advance notice of curtailment for 1pm -2pm today, Tuesday July 19th. Under order of curtailment non-essential equipment will automatically be shut down by the building automation system. This may include lighting in non-critical areas, HVAC in unoccupied areas, exhaust fans to non-lab environments, and other equipment. If we are notified to curtail a greater amount then we begin shutting down occupied area load such as: HVAC units, lighting, non-essential dining services, etc...
To assist us in reducing electricity load this week, please do not turn on any non-essential equipment. Be sure to turn off all equipment when you are away from your office in meetings or when you leave for the day. If possible do not turn on overhead lights use daylight. Please share this information with your department members in the event that didn't read this notice. If you have questions, please call Michelle Jones, Energy Manager, at 4-3769.