Matthew Klemm, History, gives invited lecture at University of Tours, France.


Contributed by Jason Freitag

Matthew Klemm, History, gave a lecture on "Physiology and the Virtues in Late Medieval Philosophy and Medicine" at the colloquium, Ethical Theories between the Middle Ages and Renaissance, organized by the Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance at the University of Tours, France on June 10.

The lecture focused on the ways that philosophers in late medieval Europe used physiological theory taken from medicine.  Klemm argued that philosophers influenced by the Arabic philosopher, ibn Rushd ("Averroes" in Latin) were especially interested in the potential of physiology to explain ethical issues related to desire and motivation.  This adds insight into the sustained interaction between Averroists and medical theorists through the following centuries.

For further information about the colloquium, please visit here: