School of Music Announces Successful Completion of the First Annual IC Summer Music Academy


Contributed by Molly O'Shea Polk

The School of Music Preparatory Division is pleased to announce the successful completion of the first annual Summer Music Academy. During June and July, over 200 middle and high students participated in advanced musical instruction which included large ensembles, small ensembles, music fundamentals classes, a wide array of electives, daily master classes, numerous performances, and a number of special evening and weekend events.

Participants hailed from 22 different states and three countries, including Japan. The program employed over 80 people, including 30 Ithaca College faculty members, 25 Ithaca College alumni, and 23 Ithaca College students as counselors.

Thomas Kline, Director of Music Admission and Preparatory Programs, comments: "It has been very rewarding to see how far these young musicians progressed in the short time they were here. This growth is a testament to the quality of our faculty, staff, counselors, and administration. Perhaps the most clear indicator of success is that on a recent feedback survey distributed to all participants and parents, 100% of respondents would recommend our program to their friends. I feel that this year has set a solid foundation on which to build one of the preeminent summer music programs in the country."

Plans are currently underway for the 2012 Summer Music Academy. A strong Facebook following has been established, with photos and videos added regularly.  For more information, please visit