Donathan Brown, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies (H&S) to Speak in New Orleans and Canada


Contributed by Laurie Arliss

Dr. Donathan Brown has had two papers accepted for presentation at fall conferences:  

"“For Our Borders, For Our Culture, For Our Future: Tom Tancredo for America" will be presented at the National Communication Association meeting in New Orleans.

“Somos Vecinos o Enemigos: Dislocating American National Identity” will be presented at the biennial conference of the Canadian Initiative in Law, Culture, and Humanities hosted by the Department of Law at Carelton University. 

A former H&S predoctoral diversity fellow, Dr. Brown will make his 2011-12 presentations as a full time IC faculty member.  His work continues to reflect his interest in communication, race, language, and politics - all topics prominent in his IC courses.  As a member of the Communication Studies faculty and Culture & Communication steering committee, Dr. Brown is certainly enriching the curriculum for IC students.