Jean Hardwick presents at undergraduate Neuroscience workshop


Contributed by Jean Hardwick

Professor Jean Hardwick (Biology) gave a presentation at the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience workshop at Pomona College entitled "The Future of Undergraduate Neuroscience Curricula:  Designing, Evaluating and Inspiring Change".

This presentation, given in collaboration with Mike Kerchner (Associate Professor of Psychology, Washington College) and Jan Thornton (Professor of Neuroscience, Oberlin College), described methods to design undergraduate curricula using core competencies and backwards design.  Current expectations from graduate programs, such as the AAMC and the AAC&U LEAP program were discussed, with the Oberlin College Neuroscience curriculum presented as an example.

The Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience workshop is offered every three years and brings together faculty involved in undergraduate teaching and research in neuroscience from across the country.  This years workshop had over 100 participants.  The next workshop is tentatively planned to be hosted at Ithaca College in 2014.