Whether it's for counseling, support, or learning a new skill, take a look at the groups that CAPS is offering this semester. Groups are FREE & CONFIDENTIAL for all Ithaca College students!
Please call CAPS if you are interested in joining one of our groups: 274-3136 www.ithaca.edu/sacl/counseling
Mindfulness Meditation:
Do you want to relax more? Mindfulness meditation can help reduce stress! You are welcome to drop in for this weekly group whether you're a beginner or a person experienced with meditation (past group members are also welcome to return to practice). Come for one meeting to check it out with no commitment or join us every week if you like what you find. Group meet Tuesdays 5:00-5:50pm starting 9/20 and runs at that time when classes are in session. Facilitator: Paul Mikowski, Psy.D.
Substance-Free Support Group:
Are you trying to be substance-free at IC? Join other students for support and strategies for success in an informal, confidential support group. No registration required, just drop in! Fridays from 4:00-5:00pm with Nancy Reynolds in the Center for Health Promotion Resource Room. Contact Nancy Reynolds for more information at 274-7933 or nreynolds@ithaca.edu
Sexual Assault Survivor Support:
If you have had an unwanted sexual experience, or have experience a sexual trauma, there is support for you. This group will help you to cope with anxiety, sadness, guilt, and anger & will give you the chance to feel supported & offer help to others who also feel alone. Please contact Suki Montgomery Hall, Ph.D. if you are interested.
Creating REALationships:
Do you feel that your social relationships are not as satisfying as you would like? Are you concerned about your relationships with peers, friends, partners, and family? Want feedback about how others really see you? Join this weekly group for a new interpersonal experience in a safe atmosphere. Facilitator: Suki Montgomery Hall, Ph.D. & Leslie Clarke, Social Work Intern. Group time: Thursday afternoons 3:30-5pm.
Managing Your Moods:
Are you having difficulty expressing your emotions? Would you like to learn ways to gain more control of these emotions? This group might be for you. The group will provide participants with the skills and support to identify, manage, and express positive & negative emotions in effective and non-harmful ways. In addition to discussion, this group will provide opportunities for other forms of emotional expression ( e.g. creative writing, journaling, art). If interested, please contact Ron Dow, LCSW or Laura Smith, Social Work Intern. Group time: Wednesdays 3:30-5pm.
Living With Grief:
This group is about living with loss. Whether your loss is anticipated, recently occurred, or happened a long time ago, losing a loved one is a deeply personal experience. It can be easy to feel alone with your sadness and adjustment - but it doesn't have to be that way. Please join a community of others who are at various places on their journey with grief; you'll get support, and your presence will help create a supportive environment for others. This group is a drop-in support group meeting once a month on Wednesdays in the Health Promotion Resource Room starting 9/14 and meeting on 10-12, 11/9, 12/14 from 5:15-6:45pm. Facilitator: LeBron Rankins, Ph.D.
Eating Issues Support Group:
Do you worry about your weight and appearance too much? Do issues around food and eating cause excessive distress? Would you like to have group support to talk openly about these issues and make healthy changes at your own pace? This group experience may be for you. The group will meet weekly on Tuesdays, 5:15-6:30pm, starting 9/20. New members are welcome to join throughout the semester. Please contact facilitator Alice Meilman, LCSW, if you are interested or have additional questions.