2011 Upstate Transportation Forum: Transforming Communities through Creative Collaboration


Contributed by Marian Brown

Use your local resources to collaborate for transportation success, even in a tight economy. The Forum will explore examples from Tompkins County and across Upstate New York to inspire your next partnership. Over the span of two days in downtown Ithaca, a variety of topics will be covered at the forum including carsharing, active transportation, new technologies, partnering with big business, and using local talent and resources. Great sessions and exceptional speakers...plus a film festival and wine reception! Visit www.ithacacarshare.org for more information and to register! Register now for only $60 ($35 for students). Volunteer opportunities are available in lieu of REGISTRATION FEE for students.

Forum Speaker Spotlight:

Jeff Olson is an architect and planner who has been involved in greenways, open space, active living and alternative transportation projects for more than 20 years. His unique vision and leadership ability are important assets to projects ranging from regional planning to site specific projects and programs. Jeff will be speaking during Friday’s lunch at the Transportation Forum.

Fernando de Aragon, director of the Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council, will discuss regional and multi-county transit initiatives during the “Getting the Gorilla to Work for You: Collaborating with Large Employers” session at the Transportation Forum.

Gary Ferguson, Executive Director of the Downtown Ithaca Alliance, will talk about the Downtown Ithaca Plan (2020) during the Transportation Forum’s “Showing Off Your Unique Place with a Community Partnership” session.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Susan Zielinksi, Managing Director of SMART (Sustainable Mobility & Accessibility Research & Transformation).  Susan comes to us from Ann Arbor Michigan where she spent a year as a Harvard Loeb Fellow focusing on New Mobility innovation and leadership. Prior to 2004, she cofounded and directed Moving the Economy (MTE), a Canada-wide “link tank” that works to catalyze and support sustainable urban transportation innovation as well as New Mobility industry development. She has advised on a wide range of local, national, and international transportation efforts. As a transportation planner for the City of Toronto for over 15 years, she worked developing and leading transportation and livability policies and initiatives.

This conference is hosted by Ithaca Carshare in partnership with NYSERDA, NYSDOT and many other partners including: TCAT, Ithaca College, Tompkins County, Ithaca Tompkins County Transportation Council, Way2Go, VisitIthaca.com, Downtown Ithaca, Cornell University and the City of Ithaca.

Visit www.ithacacarshare.org or e-mail conference planner Dawn LaMorte at 2011Forum@ithacacarshare.org. You can also call 607-379-1844


