Join the IC Sinfonietta!! First rehearsal is Monday!


Contributed by James Mick

Did you play an instrument before coming to IC and are now looking for music making opportunities? It is not too late to join the IC Sinfonietta!!

The Ithaca College Sinfonietta is an orchestra mainly comprised of non-music majors, and is open to all students of IC and Cornell who play an orchestral instrument. No audition is necessary! The Sinfonietta plays great music and gives a public concert each semester.

The Sinfonietta can be taken for 0, .5, or 1 credit and rehearses Mondays 6-7:50pm in the Presser Room of the Whalen Center for Music. Our first rehearsal is Monday, Sept. 12.

Ithaca College Sinfonietta
21901 -  MUNM 10304-01
6-7:50 pm Modays, starting Sept 12
Presser Room (#3102) Whalen Center for Music

** Please show-up, even if you haven't registered for the class.

Questions? Contact Prof. James Mick at