Facilities Now On Facebook!


Contributed by Alexa K. Lacey-Varona

I am writing on behalf of the Office of Facilities where our goal is to facilitate the process of meeting your needs.

We have noticed that a number of students, faculty and staff are having problems placing service requests, or perhaps are unaware of MaintenanceDirect, our online service request site. This has prevented the Ithaca College community from using the site, which is truly user-friendly. As mentioned before, we strive to help the Ithaca College community, so we came up with a solution; we created a Facebook page.

The intent of our recently added page is to make it even easier to place a service request on MaintenanceDirect. We did this by providing a visual guide of the request form but, most importantly, we also hope to be more interactive with all of you on campus! This site is dedicated to youso feel free to post a question on our wall; we'd love it if you did! Check out our page, click on the like button, and we'll keep you updated and informed!


 Access our Facebook page here: Office of Facilities

