Natural Sciences Symposium Featuring Faculty from Ithaca College Departments of Physics and Biology


Contributed by Jill Ackerman

Please Join us Tuesday, September 27, in CNS 112 at 12:10 for a Natural Sciences Symposium Featuring Dr. Kelley D. Sullivan of the Ithaca College Deptartment of Physics and Dr. David Gondek of the Ithaca College Department of Biology.

Dr. Sullivan's topic - Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy: Just a few short years ago several new fluorescence microscopy techniques emerged that broke through the optical diffraction limit and improved our ability to resolve small objects by 1000-fold! This has opened up a host of intriguing questions to explore, particularly in the fields of biology and physics. I will be building a fluorescence microscopy lab in the physics department that will have at its heart, one of these techniques – fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy (FPALM). In this talk, I will provide an introduction to fluorescence and to the FPALM technique and its applications.

Kelley D. Sullivan received an MS in physics from Ohio State University and a PhD in physics from the University of Rochester, where she conducted research in the field of biophysics/fluorescence microscopy.  She is excited to be at Ithaca College, where she looks forward to pursuing her passion for teaching and also sharing her love of physics with the students who join her in the classroom and lab.


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