The Model Minority Myth


Contributed by Elijah Davis

Whether a form of praise or criticism, the label simply reduces down the entire Asian American population to a simple generalization. Yet unlike derogatory and often openly racist labels assigned to other groups of people, the term "model minority" creates conflicting opinions about its true meaning. -Sophia Terazawa

What do you automatically think when you see an Asian individual? Do you think that people assume that Asians are the smartest or most hard-working, able to overcome difficult circumstances? Have you ever heard someone refer to Asian Americans as the "best" or "most successful" minority group? Whether you agree, disagree or are unsure, come to our meeting this Tuesday to discuss the model minority myth and how it impacts society.


Date: Tuesday September 27,2011

Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Location: Williams Hall Room 313


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