Students who want to take charge of their career and who are inspired to change lives in their community are encouraged to attend the AXA Advisors Information Session. Business, marketing & education majors are generally well-suited to work with this firm.
AXA Advisors is a client-focused financial services leader providing wealth protection strategies, asset management, and financial and estate planning to individuals and businesses through a strong family of brands. With more than 5,000 financial professionals in over 145 U.S. branch and district offices, 80 million individual and corporate clients, and operations in over 56 countries, AXA Advisors has been ranked #9 on the Fortune Global 500 by Industry.
Learn about career opportunities with AXA Advisors as well as advice for being a successful entrepreneur. The Information Session will be held on Tuesday, October 4 at 12:15pm in Career Services.
Pizza will be provided and pre-registration is requested. To reserve your seat, please login to your eRecruiting account and search for 'Information Session - AXA Advisors' in the Calendar of Events on your homepage.
If you have questions or need to request special accommodation, please contact Career Services at 274-3365, or 101 Muller Center.