Wellness Wednesday This Week: Overcoming Yourself Through Hypnotism with Dr. Richard Schissel


Contributed by Nancy Reynolds

Are you ready to improve your health? Join us for Wellness Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Noon - 12:50 PM

Taughannock Falls Room, Third Floor, Campus Center

Overcoming Yourself Through Hypnotism

With Richard Schissel, PhD

Chair, Graduate Program Department of Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology

and Licensed Hypnotist

Find out answer to your questions about hypnotism.

*Can anyone be hypnotized?

* Does the hypnotist control me?

* Stage show: real or not?

*Can I get stuck in a trace?

Bring your lunch - and your questions!


For the full Wellness Wednesday semester schedule, please visit the Center for Health Promotion website.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations may contact Nancy Reynolds in the Center for Health Promotion at nreynolds@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

