i>clicker Demonstration -  October 11, 2:15 pm


Contributed by Marilyn Dispensa

A representative from i>clicker, a student response system (a.k.a. clickers), will be on campus on Tuesday, October 11.  A demonstration of this system will be in Job Hall 312, at 2:15 pm. This system allows instructors to poll students in a class and record and project immediate results.

Currently, Ithaca College supports eInstruction's Interwrite PRS system, however this system will be discontinued after Spring 2012.  ITS and faculty, are beginning the process of evaluating and selecting an alternative. If you use clickers or are considering using clickers, you may want to attend this demonstration, as i>clicker is one of the possible alternatives.  

Links & References:


Clickers Information page on ITS Web site

Clickers in the Large Classroom: Current Research and Best Practice Tips (2007) Jane E. Caldwell. CBE Life Sci Educ 6(1): 9-20 http://lifescied.org/cgi/reprint/6/1/9.pdf

Educause: 7 things you should know about Clickers [PDF]

If you have any questions, want to have input into the clicker selection process, or need accommodations to attend this event, please contact Marilyn Dispensa, (mdispensa@ithaca.edu or 4-3647)

