IC Spirit Week Events!


Contributed by Rachel Heiss

Haven't seen our lineup yet??

MONDAYMr and Miss Ithaca hosted by the Senior Class (8-11 pm, Emerson Suites)

TUESDAY: Pink Ribbon Ball hosted by Colleges Against Cancer (8-11 pm, Emerson Suites)

WEDNESDAY: Comedian John Cassidy hosted by Student Activities Board (8-10 pm, IC Square)

THURSDAYSGA's Taste of Ithaca hosted by the Student Government Association (8-10 pm, Fitness Center)

FRIDAY: IC Spirit Day hosted by FUSE (10 am-2 pm, North Foyer of Emerson Suites)

SATURDAYHabidash hosted by Habitat for Humanity (9:30-11 am, Butterfield Stadium) and Fall Splash Picnic hosted by the Office of Alumni Relations (11 am-2 pm, Fitness Center Quad)

*Don't forget to decorate your residence hall with RHA to win a pizza party! Also, stop by STAT's Campus Center table from Tuesday-Thursday to help your class win Penny Wars!*


Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and on our website!

