Student Wellness Tip of the Week: Keep Your Germs to Yourself!


Contributed by Nancy Reynolds

Did you know frequent hand washing is the most effective way to prevent sickness and the spread of infection? Ithaca Campus may appear to be clean, but with every door knob turned, toilet flushed, pen borrowed, and contact with a person, YOU are contacting unwanted germs. Here are some helpful tips to make sure you are washing your hands enough...

Always Wash Your Hands Before:

Always Wash Your Hands After:

When washing hands with soap and water:

Always use a paper towel to turn off the faucet and open bathroom door to avoid re- contaminating your clean hands.

*Remember, do NOT attend classes/work if you are feeling sick to avoid the transmission of unwanted germs to others. Make an appointment at Hammond Health Center on campus if needed.

Submitted by Maria Behrens '12 for the Center for Health Promotion.